SuperZoo 2024: The growing focus on fraud and how ORIVO can help build trust


This year’s SuperZoo, one of the most influential trade shows in the pet industry, brought together thousands of brands, suppliers and retailers eager to showcase and discover the latest innovations. However, beyond the excitement of new products and business opportunities, a more serious concern took center stage – a growing focus on fraud prevention. Our Sales Manager, Benedicte Garnes, was on the ground at SuperZoo 2024, and the message was clear: the industry is increasingly wary of fraudulent suppliers, and many brands don’t feel as safe as they once did.


The Issue: Fraudulent suppliers and industry anxiety

As the pet industry continues to expand, so does the complexity of its supply chain. Unfortunately, this growth has been accompanied by an increase in fraudulent activities, particularly from suppliers who misrepresent their products or engage in unethical business practices. These bad actors, whether through misrepresentation of product quality, counterfeit goods, or deceptive sourcing practices, pose significant risks to brands and retailers. The repercussions of engaging with a fraudulent supplier can be severe, ranging from financial loss to irreversible damage to a brand’s reputation.

At SuperZoo 2024, these concerns were palpable. Many brands expressed unease, fearing that they might unknowingly partner with dishonest suppliers. This anxiety has led to a more cautious approach, with brands seeking additional layers of security and transparency in their business dealings.


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A stronger stance on fraud prevention

In response to these growing concerns, the industry must implement measures aimed at combating fraud and ensuring a safer environment for brands.

  1. Enhanced vetting process: Industry organizations and regulatory agencies should tighten its vetting process for suppliers. This includes rigorous background checks, verification of business licenses, and a thorough examination of product certifications and verifications based on actual testing, not a paper trail of documentation. By raising the bar for supplier participation, this will filter out potential bad actors before they can even set foot in the industry.
  2. Supplier Transparency Requirements: To promote transparency, suppliers should be required to provide detailed reports based on analysis of their sourcing and manufacturing processes. This documentation is not only reviewed by the industry organizations and regulatory agencies but is also made available to brands. This initiative empowers brands to make informed decisions about which suppliers they choose to engage with.
  3. Educational seminars on fraud prevention: Understanding that knowledge is a powerful tool in the fight against fraud, brand organizations and agencies can introduce a series of educational seminars focused on fraud prevention. These sessions can cover topics such as identifying red flags in supplier contracts, understanding the legal implications of supplier fraud, and implementing best practices for due diligence.


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The Impact an Brands: Balancing opportunity with caution

For many brands, SuperZoopresents a dichotomy of opportunity and caution. On one hand, the event remains a vital venue for networking, discovering new products, and forging partnerships. On the other hand, the heightened focus on fraud has underscored the need for vigilance.

Brands attending the event should of course take advantage of the resources provided at such an arena. During the show, brands asked if ORIVO could recommend any origin verified suppliers and also wanted additional advice on how they best could find a trustworthy partner. They took personal responsibility for conducting their own due diligence, not blindly trusting their current supplier and what was told to them. Additional actions can be more in-depth background checks and engaging with suppliers’ existing clients for references.


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How ORIVO can help: A new standard for trust and transparency

At ORIVO, we understand the challenges that brands face when trying to ensure the authenticity and quality of their products. Our advanced verification services offer a robust solution for brands looking to safeguard their supply chains and build trust with their customers.

  1. Science-Based Verification: ORIVO leverages cutting-edge technology to verify the origin and purity of raw materials. Our testing process is based on scientifically validated methods, ensuring that the products you source and sell meet the highest standards of authenticity. Whether you’re dealing with fish oils, omega-3 supplements, or other pet nutrition ingredients, ORIVO’s services provide an added layer of confidence.
  1. Supplier transparency: Through ORIVO’s platform, brands can access detailed reports on the raw materials used in their products. These reports include information on the geographical origin of ingredients and species verification. This transparency is invaluable in an industry where misrepresentation can lead to significant consequences.
  1. Building Consumer Trust: In a marketplace where consumers are increasingly concerned about the integrity of the products they purchase, ORIVO helps brands differentiate themselves by proving the authenticity of their offerings. By displaying the ORIVO verification seal, you can provide your customers with tangible proof that your products are exactly what they claim to be—safe, high-quality, and trustworthy.
  1. Mitigating risk: By integrating ORIVO’s verification services into your supply chain, you can significantly reduce the risk of partnering with fraudulent suppliers. Our rigorous testing process acts as a safeguard, ensuring that only legitimate, high-quality raw materials make it into your products.
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Conclusion: Moving forward with confidence

At SuperZoo it was clear that many brands find it challenging to navigate the complexities of supply chain management and the threat of fraud. Brands who previously trusted their supplier, asked to get their products tested after reading our recent product screenings conducted in the North American market. They need reliable partners who can help them ensure the integrity of their products. It is no longer sufficient with the paper documentation provided by suppliers.

ORIVO stands ready to support brands in this journey. By offering advanced verification services that guarantee the authenticity of raw materials, we help you protect your brand’s reputation, foster consumer trust, and confidently navigate an increasingly challenging industry landscape.

In an environment where fraud prevention has become a top priority, ORIVO provides the tools you need to move forward with assurance, ensuring that your products remain a beacon of quality and transparency in the market.



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