Check your product here
When you see the ORIVO logo on a product you can be sure that it is an authentic product, and that the brand owner of this product wants to be fully transparent about the ingredient source. A source, which most likely has been chosen due to quality and/or sustainability reasons.
On all ORIVO verified products you will find our verification seal with a unique 4-digit validation code. Please type your 4-digit code in the field below and you will get all the information about the verified source and origin of your product.
Don’t have an ORIVO-verified product in your hand? Check the demo certificate by typing “9999”.
Where can I find the test number?
The unique ORIVO test number is located on top of each product specific verification seal: Every ORIVO-verified product has the verification seal included on the label. Either as the small version as the one to the left, of as the larger version including the species and origin claim. In all cases you will find everything you need on the corresponding online certificate. Please go on and check for yourself by typing the ORIVO test number in the search field above!

Verification process:
- Sample shipment: A sample from each production batch is shipped to ORIVO.
- The extra evidence: The product is also bought incognito by third-party ORIVO secret shoppers (Through Amazon, TMALL, local pharmacy etc).
- Sample analysis: Samples are analysed in an authorised ORIVO laboratory with our revolutionary fingerprinting technology.
- Fingerprint match: The origin stated on the product label is verified (species and geographic origin).
- Product approved: Each approved production batch is added to the online certificate at (which you can check by typing your product´s unique test number in the above search field).