Product name:
Omega UP Ultra DHA,
Omega UP Jr Ultra DHA
Test number:
Tested and confirmed species:
Tested and confirmed origin:
South Pacific
Product details: This product is a pure omega-3 EE-concentrate with 10 % EPA and 50 % DHA.
Product availability: Chile, Peru
Package type: 500 mg: Can with 30, 60 and 120 units.
The verified company:
Name: New Science
Phone: +562 22807200
The verified batches:
Batch # | Expiry date |
L350224 | JUL 2027 |
L350024 | JUL 2027 |
K345424 | JUL 2027 |
J341224 | JUL 2027 |
J339224 | JUL 2027 |
J339124 | JUL 2027 |
J339024 | JUL 2027 |
G320824 | JUN 2027 |
G320724 | JUN 2027 |
G320524 | JUN 2027 |
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What is verified?
The ORIVO logo: Will always assure you that you are holding a product with authentic origin in your hands, tested and approved by one of the world's most sophisticated lab tests available.
The unique ORIVO test number: Every ORIVO-verified product has its own test number, with a corresponding unique online certificate, with more information about species, area of origin, verified batches and much more!

Learn more about the brand owner and source of this product:
About the brand owner
Newscience is a Chilean private equity company founded in 1995 with the aim of delivering a higher quality value proposition in the area of healthy eating. In 2009, the nutraceuticals and functional foods unit was opened, today being the company’s most important area.
About anchovy from the South Pacific
Omega-3 oils extracted from South Pacific anchovy is one of the sources with the highest content of the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The fishery is taking place along the entire Peruvian coast and the northern part of Chile´s coastline. Both countries have strict authorities with quota systems ensuring a well managed and sustainable harvest of the fishing stocks.
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