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Tested and confirmed origin:

South Pacific

Product details: This product is a pure omega-3 rTG-concentrate with 10 % EPA and 50 % DHA.

Product availability: Chile

Package type: 1000 mg: Can with 60 units.

The verified company:
Name: New Science
Phone: +562 22807200
Web: www.newscience.cl

The verified batches:

Batch #Expiry date
L350724 06/2027
L349124 06/2027
J339524 06/2027
J339424 06/2027
G321824 09/2026
G316324 09/2026
B291324 09/2026
A284024 09/2026
A281224 09/2026
A280924 09/2026

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What is verified?

The ORIVO logo: Will always assure you that you are holding a product with authentic origin in your hands, tested and approved by one of the world's most sophisticated lab tests available.

The unique ORIVO test number: Every ORIVO-verified product has its own test number, with a corresponding unique online certificate, with more information about species, area of origin, verified batches and much more!


Learn more about the brand owner and source of this product:

About the brand owner

Newscience is a Chilean private equity company founded in 1995 with the aim of delivering a higher quality value proposition in the area of ​​healthy eating. In 2009, the nutraceuticals and functional foods unit was opened, today being the company’s most important area.

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About anchovy from the South Pacific

Omega-3 oils extracted from South Pacific anchovy is one of the sources with the highest content of the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The fishery is taking place along the entire Peruvian coast and the northern part of Chile´s coastline. Both countries have strict authorities with quota systems ensuring a well managed and sustainable harvest of the fishing stocks.

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