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Product name:

BIOAMICUS algal oil

Test number:


Tested and confirmed:

Level of Sn-2 positioned DHA

Product details: BIOAMICUS algal oil contains DHA, where at least 40 % of the DHA fatty acids are in Sn-2 position. This algal oil product is offered in different formulations together with ARA oil, walnut oil and/or flavourings. The origin of the algal oil and these other ingredients are not part of the verification scope.

Product availability: China

Package type: Blisters with 90 units and box with 100 units.

The verified company:
Name: Bioamicus Laboratories
Phone: +86 4006707606
Web: www.bioamicus.com

The verified batches:

Batch #Expiry date
U406130 07/06/2027
U401214 04/03/2027
BI06240001 20/06/2027
U311008 18/11/2026
DPV2824J1001 01/01/2026
U311080 05/11/2026
C600523002301 08/10/2025
DPV2723J1004B 04/10/2025
DPV2723J1001-C 19/03/2025
C600423001001 15/07/2025

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What is verified?

The ORIVO logo: Will always assure you that you are holding a product with authentic origin in your hands, tested and approved by one of the world's most sophisticated lab tests available.

The unique ORIVO test number: Every ORIVO-verified product has its own test number, with a corresponding unique online certificate, with more information about species, area of origin, verified batches and much more!


Learn more about the brand owner of this product:

About the brand owner

Located in Toronto, Canada, BioAmicus is a professional manufacturer of natural health products. BioAmicus is a global supplier of highly active probiotics, DHA, vitamin D and lactoferrin. BioAmicus is licensed by the Federal Ministry of Health of Canada and is manufactured in strict accordance with GMP standards with strict quality control.
BioAmicus, entered the Chinese market in 2017, has now achieved full market coverage in Chinese Mainland. BioAmicus has sold more than 2000000 probiotic products, making it the No. 1 probiotic brand in North America in China.

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About algae

The most commonly used source for algal oil is Schizochytrium sp. but there are more sources coming to market. It is produced through a fermentation process (either open ponds or closed tanks) where the conditions and the specific microalgae strain used are defining the content of EPA and DHA. Algal oil is an important proven, consistent and sustainable vegan omega-3 alternative. Both meeting the growing global consumer demand for vegan products, but also the general omega-3 demand because of the limitations on fish oil production.

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