The core of ORIVO is our unique, laboratory analysis-based origin verification. We developed this verification program to provide honest and responsible brands and manufacturers of food and feed related products with a tool to document transparency in a crowded marketplace. The verification program is designed to communicate directly to end-users, with an origin seal verifying the source, linked to an online certificate where the verification is explained in a non-technical language. Using state-of-the-art product testing technologies, we are replacing a lot of the paper-based documentation traditionally applied.
Products qualified through the ORIVO verification program, have through an independent third party and a revolutionary testing technology a guaranteed and verified origin. This will allow you to use the ORIVO origin seal on your product labels and include evidence-based marketing in your promotion strategy. End-users can visit orivo.no and find the unique online certificate to see for themselves what the product contains. We call this evidence-based transparency by ORIVO.
We are currently offering the ORIVO verification program in the following markets:
Omega-3 supplements
The omega-3 supplement market is crowded with a vast number of brands fighting for the consumers´ attention. It is also well documented that adulterated products are a challenge in parts of the omega-3 market. Through ORIVO´s 3rd party verification program and our origin seal, honest and responsible ingredient producers and brands can stand out from the crowd.
Pet food
It is a global trend that pet owners pay closer attention to their pets’ health. Pet owners today want to know what and why, and they choose brands who answer these questions, because of their focus on building trust and transparency. The ORIVO verification program offers pet food brands a way to build trust with pet owners through evidence-based transparency.
Aquaculture feed
Aquaculture is a global industry with an extreme focus on sustainability. The aquaculture feed producers are sourcing raw materials for their products from all over the world, often through complex supply chains. Through the ORIVO origin testing, the feed producers are able to verify their supply chain and provide their customers with an extra level of assurance and traceability.
Seafood fraud is an extensive issue. The entire value chain is at risk and reports show that seafood production is ranked among the top food product categories subject to fraud. In a highly competitive industry such as the seafood industry, honest producers will benefit from being transparent and emphasise their focus on traceability. With the ORIVO verification program, seafood companies can differentiate their products and show consumers that they offer authentic seafood.