We help businesses all around the world document true transparency to millions of consumers. Through a simple but robust validation process, we verify the origin of food and feed related ingredients and products.

All our verification services are founded on laboratory test results, making our concept unique in today’s market. For consumer products, we even take the extra effort of testing products we buy through our clients´ regular sales channels. We do all of this to provide evidence-based transparency to consumers – and it only requires these 5 steps to qualify for the origin verification program:
Step 1: reach out to us
Through a short and non-binding meeting we will be able to identify how evidence-based transparency can help grow your business most efficiently. Which ingredients you use, how the products are formulated, how you would like to promote them are examples of information we ask you to share with us. Based on that we will recommend which products to verify.
Step 2: Submit your products for testing
Laboratory testing is the core of the ORIVO verification, so before we include new products in the program, we always test them. With our revolutionary fingerprinting technologies we will match your product with the corresponding reference fingerprint in our database consisting of thousands of samples of known origin.
Step 3: Receive verification of the origin of your products
A positive fingerprint match in our database, confirms and verifies the origin of your product. For instance Anchovy from the South Pacific, Krill from Antarctica, Wild Salmon from Alaska etc. Our verification programs typically follow 12-month cycles to make sure the verification remains valid. During each cycle we ask you to submit samples from all new production batches and each confirmed batch is added to an updated online certificate on the ORIVO web page, available for your consumers to check and confirm that they are buying products with a true and authentic origin.
Step 4: Add the unique ORIVO SEAL to your product labels
When your products pass the initial test, you will receive your very own test number. This is a four-digit code which is unique for each verified product linking to the online certificate available through our website. You will also receive our verification seal free to use on your product label etc.
Step 5: Start promoting the evidence-based origin of your products to consumers
As ORIVO verified you are part of an exclusive group of companies that can document the origin of their products through evidence-based transparency. You will also benefit from our pre-made marketing material and scientific marketing support from highly skilled ORIVO staff. This is something that is truly valued by our existing clients, which are reporting that the ORIVO verification concept is really helpful for product promotions and sales growth.