Salmon, krill and cod liver oil from Asian e-commerce: 45 % adulteration and false label claims

Illustration of Asian market screening

Named species omega-3 products such as salmon oil, krill oil and cod liver oil are higher valued among consumers, and Asia is not an exception. It is now two years since the last screening performed by Mr Mystery Shopper, and it was time to see if something has changed in the market regarding adulterated products and false label claims.

Did Mr Mystery Shopper find any false label claims?

So, in 2021, Mr Mystery Shopper bought 19 different products from the above mentioned categories – both from China´s larges e-commerce channel, TMALL, and South East Asias leading e-commerce channel, Lazada. The output was unfortunately no surprise, it seems like the level of fraud is dead steady: 9 of 19 (45 %) had false label claims. However, these results caught international media´s attention, please read what Nutraingredients wrote about it here.

So, consumers still need to be aware of practices like this, especially when buying supplements online.

Read more about the omega-3 industry: Things you should know about the omega-3 industry

But not all companies are bad. Some strive for transparency and authenticity. Look for the ORIVO logo next time you go shopping.